Lizzie Harrah is a composer of music for film, television, and major recording artists.
As house composer for Digital Services in Houston, Texas for five years, she scored and engineered numerous compositions for commercial advertising, PSA’s and industrial film. Clients included: Fiorucci, Conoco, Vietnam Veteran’s War Memorial, BBC, St. Luke’s Hospital, Entex, Six Flags, and many others. During this time, she also was a studio musician and engineer for major recording artists Timbuk 3, Michael Jackson, ZZ Top, Van Wilks, Rocky Hill, Little Joe y La Familia, and Random House Books.
After touring and making two records with Timbuk 3, she then spent the next seventeen years working solely for ZZ Top in Houston and worldwide. She pre-produced, arranged, engineered, and mixed their studio sessions. Her duties also included programming mainframe and Macintosh computers for audio recording applications.
Lizzie now lives and works in both Tennessee and Texas.
Questions about having a song composed or licensing a Madison’s track. Drop us line!